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Beef Blood: The Ultimate Dietary Iron Supplement for Optimal Health
Written by Dr. Juan Carlos Cassano Linkedin Profile: Juan Carlos Cassano In recent years there has been a global shift towards less severe anaemia, with the last decrease amongst males, slower rates of progress are found in female and child populations (1). In 2024, it was estimated that one in four people suffered from anaemia, […]
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Can Anemia Stop Your Period?
Yes, anemia, particularly iron-deficiency anemia, can cause amenorrhea (absence of a menstrual period). This is because low iron levels can disrupt the hormonal balance necessary for ovulation and menstruation to take place naturally. However, it must be noted that amenorrhea due to anemia can only be diagnosed with blood tests and usually presents itself along […]
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Why European Beef Organs Are Superior to American Beef Organs
Written by Dr. Juan Carlos Cassano Linkedin Profile: Juan Carlos Cassano Beef organs, rich in essential nutrients, are becoming a sought-after food source for those pursuing optimal health. However, not all beef organs are created equal, and many people are noticing differences in quality between beef organs sourced from Europe and those from the United States. 6 […]
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Reduce Side Effects of Beef Liver Supplements: Why Going Organic Matters
“Organic” has become the catch-all phrase in the health industry, but we’re not here to follow trends. We’re talking about truly pure supplements as a solution to the side effects you may be concerned about with beef liver supplementation. Unlike other products that might cut corners with additives or synthetic ingredients, organic beef liver supplements, […]
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Unlocking Oyster Extract Benefits
When it comes to natural health supplements, oyster extract isn’t exactly number one on the list of choices. But it should be. This nutrient-packed powerhouse from the ocean, more popularly associated with pearls and aphrodisiacs than health, is rich in essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and omega-3 fatty acids. If you’re looking to improve your […]
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Discover the Top Ox Bile Benefits for Better Digestive Health
Written by Dr. Juan Carlos Cassano Linkedin Profile: Juan Carlos Cassano Nutrition is an important key to our health. Nutrition is 85% of fitness! We have heard these statements throughout the years, and now, more than ever, people are paying more attention to what they eat. But what if I told you that what you […]
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Oyster Extract for Testosterone Improvement
Various legends describe the long association oysters have had with an increase in libido. Romans ate them for strength, and digestion. The French pursued them as a delicacy, and the Renaissance painters used oysters in their paintings as a symbol of love and fertility. But the most famous devotee to the humble oyster it seems, […]
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Best Beef Liver Supplements: Pathway to Longevity
The sad reality of the westernized modern world is that we’re living longer but dealing with more chronic and life-altering diseases than ever before. Living longer is only a favorable outcome when it also provides opportunities to remain healthy and enjoy a vibrant and robust life. The fact that health care is the fastest growing […]
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Best Organic Grass Fed Whey Protein Powder
If you’re concerned that the whey protein powder you’re ingesting has more additives and GMOs than you’re willing to put into your body, then you’re probably looking for a cleaner and safer alternative. It seems natural for people to turn to organic supplements when they want a healthier product minus the nasties. But even organic […]
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Uncovering Surprising Beef Testicle Supplement Benefits
In a world where alternative health supplements are gaining traction over prescription medication, one topic often overlooked but filled with surprises is beef testicle supplements. These supplements have been quietly garnering attention for their potential reproductive health benefits. Join us on a journey as we delve into the realm of Beef Testicle supplements and discover […]
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Innovative Farmer Behind Nutriest Wins ‘Farmer of the Year 2023’
In the vast realm of organic farming, one name stands out — Airi Külvet. Not only has she been honored with the esteemed title of “Farmer of the Year 2023”, but her dedication and innovative techniques have distinguished her as the source of the beef organs that power the Nutriest supplements. As a trailblazing organic […]
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Colostrum Supplement Benefits: Nature’s Elixir of Life
Imagine if you could take a supplement that would turn back the hands of time and give you a much needed boost for your immune system with essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals and aid in the regeneration of your digestive system. Would you take this supplement? If it actually did all that it claims to do, […]
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The Undeniable Benefits of Beef Liver Supplements
Eating beef liver is not a common thing to do for most people. They look horrified when you start talking about eating liver. However, if you want to improve your own health and well-being, then you should consider beef liver or beef liver supplements. They are incredibly rich in highly absorbable nutrients that are hard […]
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Reasons why Oysters are a superfood
Oysters, food you either love or hate. They are slimy, chewy, and have the taste of the ocean. You may also know them from their pearls but only in 1 of 10.000 oysters you will find a pearl. But for us, every oyster is a pearl, we will explain. Oysters are extremely healthy for you […]
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Declining testosterone levels – science-based advice and tips
There is something to worry about, testosterone levels have significantly decreased over the last few decades. And not only do the testosterone levels decline but also the quality of our sperm. Your grandfather or father may be computer illiterate, but his testosterone levels were probably much better. And for us, healthy T-levels are essential for […]
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Iron deficiency and the best sources of heme iron
Iron deficiency anemia is the most common nutritional deficiency in the world. Research suggests that as many as 80% of people in the world don’t have enough iron in their bodies. That’s a big problem because the mineral plays a number of really important roles in our bodies’ daily functioning. Iron is a mineral that’s […]
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Nutrients in organ meats and their cellular function
Organ meats are a nutritional powerhouse – they provide a whole spectrum of vitamins, minerals, enzymes, fats and amino acids in a highly bioavailable form that is hard to match. Interestingly enough, organ meats are higher in nutrients than muscle meats we’re used to eating. For instance, grass-fed beef liver has 50 times more vitamin […]
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9 health benefits of adding organ meats to your diet
Organ meats are the most concentrated source of just about every nutrient, including important vitamins, minerals, healthy fats and essential amino acids. They were revered staple food for our ancestors for thousands of years but more recently are overlooked, mainly due to our changing perceptions and modern preference for muscle meat.
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Organ meats – Nature’s most potent superfood
There was a time when humans sought to find the most nutritious food nature had to offer. A time when we strived for the highest possible nourishment that our bodies demanded. We as a species came to find that organ meats were one of those foods that could replenish our nutritional requirements. Organ meats became […]
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