When it comes to natural health supplements, oyster extract isn’t exactly number one on the list of choices. But it should be. This nutrient-packed powerhouse from the ocean, more popularly associated with pearls and aphrodisiacs than health, is rich in essential minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and omega-3 fatty acids.

If you’re looking to improve your vitality, boost your zinc intake, or support your heart and brain health, oyster extract is a versatile and potent addition to your wellness routine. Join us as we delve into the impressive benefits of this rare and usual supplement, cracking open the oyster shell to expose the hidden benefits that can make a significant difference to your health.

What is oyster extract?

Oyster extract is derived from the meat of oysters, known for their dense nutritional profile. It’s rich in essential nutrients that hold a number of health benefits for your body. Still, the trick is getting those nutrients into your body in a way that the body can recognize as food and, therefore, used as building blocks instead of being rejected as a foreign invader.

This is vitally important because the body is extremely intelligent and good at distinguishing between what it can use and what it can’t. You can claim to have all the right ingredients in the supplement or powder you’re taking, but if it can’t be used by the body, you might as well be taking in nothing – because that’s how much of an effect it will have.

A substance must be ‘bioavailable’ to affect the body in a positive way. This is a term used to describe a substance that is natural and ready for use by the body’s processing systems.


First do no harm – that’s the Nutriest philosophy. We don’t believe in packing our products with harmful additives and fillers. You will get a 100% pure oyster extract meat, ready for use by your body. We’re serious about our products and your health.



Producing a bioavailable product requires the use of food in its natural form, which is then freeze dried, turning it into a powder. Freeze drying food also reduces the risk of toxins, bacteria, and other nasties you don’t want in your supplements. Because you’re being kind to your body, you can expect rapid and efficient absorption, with your body receiving the maximum amount of nutrients available. But what can your body do with all the organic compounds that it’s getting? Let’s check that out next.

Oyster extract benefits – An ocean powerhouse

A plate of fresh oysters arranged in a circular pattern, adorned with lemon wedges and parsley sprigs.

Oyster extract powder contains significant amounts of essential nutrients and trace elements such as zinc, selenium, vitamin D, vitamin B3, vitamin B12, and copper.  This is why it’s called an ocean powerhouse. Foods are often evaluated for their nutritional value to express the impact they will have on your health.


Oyster meat is especially prized for its high bioavailable zinc content, crucial for everything from boosting the immune system to promoting healthy hair, skin, and nails. This trace element offers impressive health benefits, especially when it comes to skin conditions, normal fertility, and improving zinc deficiency.

Skin conditions, such as acne, have benefited from the use of zinc because it can preserve the completeness of the tissue barriers and prevent pathogen infection. Furthermore, it has been shown to improve rosacea, dermatitis, and other inflammatory skin infections. [1]

Furthermore, zinc plays an important role in immune system regulation. Zinc deficiency is responsible for increased susceptibility to pathogens. Zinc affects multiple aspects of the immune system, from the barrier of the skin to gene regulation within lymphocytes. Zinc is important for the normal development and function of cells mediating nonspecific immunity, such as neutrophils and natural killer cells. In short, zinc gives the fighting mechanism of your immune system everything it needs to act as a pathogen busting machine. [2]

Zinc also plays a big role in reproductive health, stabilizing testosterone levels and enabling the development of healthy sperm. In females, research has identified that zinc is critical for normal fertility and healthy pregnancy outcomes. [3]

Decades of research have proven zinc to be effective in wound healing. It plays a role in every phase of the healing process, including membrane repair, coagulation, tissue re-epithelialization, and scar formation. [4]

A glowing blue DNA helix against a dark background with blue geometric shapes and glowing circles

Lastly, your body uses zinc to make DNA. This is because a significant portion of zinc is found in the cell nucleus, where it is critically involved in genetic stability and gene expression. In short, this means you need zinc for the healthy reproduction of genetic material and to prevent mutations in this process. [5]


Our pure oyster extract supplement contains high levels of zinc, giving you all the benefits without the risks. Our oyster capsules are non-synthetic and contain no fillers or additives – just pure oyster meat.



B Vitamins

Oyster extracts contain a good quantity of B vitamins, more notably, Vitamin B3 and B12. This group of vitamins help the body convert food into energy (metabolism), create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells, brain cells, and other body tissues.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

People with digestive disorders, pernicious anemia, some autoimmune diseases, and vegetarians are especially prone to low B12 levels. Others have a problem absorbing adequate amounts of B12 from food or have trouble processing synthetic B12. In all these cases, it can lead to a B12 deficiency, which affects energy production in the human body. Symptoms of B12 deficiency can include tiredness, fatigue, muscle weakness, and pins and needles in the fingers. [6]

Nervous system disorders can present after many years of B12 deficiency and require supplementation to cure. Neuronal demyelination, for instance, is thought to be mainly caused when the universal methyl donor SAM is less available. SAM synthesis critically depends on vitamin B12 and has various important functions in the nervous system, including myelin as well as neurotransmitter synthesis. For this reason, a lack of B12 is not only implicated in nervous system problems but also depression and anxiety. [7]

Vitamin B3 (Niacin)

A woman experiencing dizziness and holding her head while trying to maintain balance in an office environment

In the human body all B vitamins play a synergistic role. This means they work together to regulate certain processes and systems. For this reason B3 is also an essential nutrient for the nervous system. People with serious deficiencies in B3 can present with depression, dementia, and mood disturbances.

An interesting connection between headaches (ranging from mild pain to migraines) and a lack of B3. The constriction of blood vessels in and around the brain leads to reduced blood flow and a build up of pressure within the skull, as well as an overstimulation of nerves. As pressure changes within the skull, this can result in headaches. B3 supplementation has been found to provide much needed relief to sufferers (some 50% of the adult population). [8]

Other trace minerals

Apart from key nutrients like zinc and B vitamins, oyster extract contains important trace minerals such as selenium and copper. Minerals are important for the production of enzymes that control major processes in the human body, most notably hormone production.

Selenium is important for healthy skin, hair, and nails but its strongest influence is on the neutralization of free radical damage in cells. Potentially harmful substances are destroyed before they can harm the nucleus of human cells or affect the reproduction of cells. Another study found that selenium is important for cardiovascular health because it provides cardioprotective benefits. [9]

The metabolism of copper is greatly affected by the concentration of zinc in the body. This proves that there isn’t one nutrient that you can take in huge quantities that will address all your health problems. It is much wiser to take a good quality supplement, like Nutriest, that is highly bioavailable and will provide the synergistic nutrients your body needs to function.

Copper deficiency has been studied for its link to heart disease, cancer, and chronic diarrhea, but the results have been inconclusive. The biggest benefits of adequate copper levels in the body are seen in the production of red blood cells, iron absorption, and the prevention of prostate inflammation.

The case for pure oyster extract supplementation

Throughout this discussion, we’ve looked at how oyster extract supplementation can benefit you. The case has been made that although oyster extract is not your usual go-to supplement, it should be.

The reasons why it should be are as follows:

  • A good-quality oyster extract, produced by freeze-drying, delivers a powerhouse of essential nutrients that your body can use because it recognizes it as food.
  • It has a balanced nutritional profile that delivers benefits for your whole body, affecting your skin, heart, hormones, sexual health, energy levels, immune system, mental well-being, and even neurological health.
  • High quality supplements, made organically from natural foods, can correct serious deficiencies if they are taken consistently over a period of weeks or months (depening on how serious the deficiency is).
  • There is scientific research on the positive effects that the compounds (such as zinc, B vitamins, and trace minerals) in oyster meat can have on your body.

We believe this makes a pretty good case for this hidden gem of the ocean. If you agree and want health and vitality for your body, then don’t wait. You can begin fighting your way back to health now.



  1. Trace Element Zinc and Skin Disorders
  2. Zinc and Immunity
  3. Zinc and Female Fertility
  4. Zinc and Wound Healing
  5. Zinc and Genes
  6. B12
  7. B Vitamins and the Nervous System
  8. Niacin and the Nervous System
  9. Trace Elements